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我在圣地亚哥县有购物癖? Whether you’re looking for a bargain, luxury, or culture, there’s a spot for you

去圣地亚哥的世界级商场逛逛, or browse the county’s charming shopping districts tucked into quaint neighborhoods

有假期吗? 圣地亚哥 应该包括海滩日和参观大型景点吗, but you should set aside some quality time for finding treasures to take 首页. Shopping options around 圣地亚哥 County include neighborhood commercial districts, 大型购物中心, 琳琅满目的购物中心, 和独特的精品店. Not only can you find plenty of global luxury br和s in 圣地亚哥, but you can also shop for the names 和 looks that California is famous for, 包括海滩时尚和冲浪时尚.

Open-air shopping destinations in 圣地亚哥 also offer one local specialty: near-perfect weather. 开始你的 圣地亚哥 shopping list by exploring these areas, listed north to south.


Westfield UTC


位于 the area just east of 拉霍亚 和 the University of California, 圣地亚哥, the open-air Westfield UTC (which st和s for University Town Center) is 首页 to more than 165 stores. 选择经典品牌,比如Abercrombie & 惠誉,H&M, Macy’s, as well as luxury br和s including Hermes 和 Tiffany. 在这里度过一整天很容易, 有很多户外帕帕桑风格的座位, firepits, kid-friendly diversions such as a playground 和 a LEGO store. 餐饮选择包括小连锁店的分支 鼎泰丰大枫 还有当地最受欢迎的三明治店 董事会 & 酿造.



托尼社区 拉霍亚 feels like its own bubble in 圣地亚哥: 的 enclave juts off the coastline just north of the city 和 has its own beaches 和 a charming walkable downtown. Locals refer to the “downtown” area of 拉霍亚 as the Village or the Cove, since it’s next to a beach cove known for barking sea lions 和 sweeping ocean views. 首先浏览 商店 在吉拉德大道和展望街, 在哪里你能找到像布鲁克斯兄弟这样的奢侈品牌, 拉夫·劳伦Polo, 汤米·巴哈马, 以及独立的精品店,如 骏景店, 沃里克的书, H. 莫拉迪高级珠宝商. 的re are surprises, too, like a Goodwill store known for its high-end h和-me-downs, the 传说画廊, which has prints of lesser-known drawings by former 拉霍亚 local Ted Geisel, aka Dr. 苏斯. 你可以 吃饭 享受早餐或小吃 糖和Scribe,在这里喝着鸡尾酒,欣赏着海景,结束这一天 乔治在海湾.



这里有200多家商店和30多家餐馆, 时尚谷 圣地亚哥最大的购物中心是哪一家. 购买奢侈时尚品牌,如巴黎世家, 香奈儿, 迪奥, Gucci 和 upgrade your wardrobe with the trendiest new looks. This outdoor mall is also anchored by two classic department stores: Bloomingdale’s 和 Neiman-Marcus. 这家商场在烹饪方面也很出色. Beyond the familiar food court options, you can enjoy sit-down dinners at Blanco Cocina + Cantina, North Italia, Tommy Bahama Marlin Bar, a branch of acclaimed 圣地亚哥 coffee roaster 更好的口碑.



位于 德尔, 花山 提供独特的购物体验, blending global br和s with a curated collection of local boutiques. Geppetto’s Toys, Sweetpea Children’s Shop, Lavender Home & Garden are among the locally owned retailers that call 花山 首页. Luxury br和s like Patrick James (men’s apparel) 和 Van De Vort (highly curated fashion for women) bring a bit of glamour to the mall. 购物者也可以在纽约风格的熟食店吃点东西 弥尔顿在这里,你可以尝试一下健康的菜肴 花的孩子,或享用丰盛的早餐 理查德·沃克的煎饼屋.




You’ll find 85 designer 和 br和-name stores at North 圣地亚哥 County’s 卡尔斯巴德高级奥特莱斯. 阿迪达斯, 耐克, 教练, Kate Spade New York, Tory Burch are just a few of the shopping center’s national br和s, 但你也可以培养你对Vans的加州眼光, 约翰尼是, 和奥尼尔. 购物中心也有很棒的邻居:的 卡尔斯巴德牧场的花田 is next door (which blooms with ranunculus flowers in spring), just beyond that are both 加利福尼亚的乐 还有南卡尔斯巴德的海滩和露营地.




Explore the high-end retail stores 和 modern eateries at this compact shopping center that packs in a lot of big names. 卡尔斯巴德论坛 has an Anthropologie, Lululemon, a big Sur La Table, as well as few day-spa options. 不要错过在这里吃饭 班迪尼之家它是北县一家受人喜爱的餐馆的表亲 圣地亚哥老城.




时尚精品店, 珠宝首饰, 艺术画廊, outdoor cafes are among the 85 distinctive 商店 和 retailers that call the Cedros大道设计区 首页. 离海边只有几个街区, 塞德罗斯大道是索拉纳海滩市中心的步行区. 停在家具和设计店,如 独奏在。点取橄榄油 Temecula橄榄油公司.下午三点,喝杯拿铁 崇高的咖啡. Extend your stay through the evening by getting dinner at steakhouse 罕见的社会 或者去当地最喜欢的地方看一场表演 破产了. Come on Sunday afternoon to pick up produce, flowers, goodies at the weekly farmers’ market.




北公园 neighborhood has long been a hotbed for up-和-coming restaurants 和 its shopping district shares that same creative energy. 浏览古着 日复一日,墨西哥制造的珍品在 Artelexia,以及古籍和珍本 逐字的书. While you’re shopping, don’t miss the independent 和 locally owned 艺术画廊 such as 视觉. 了解更多关于在这里吃饭和闲逛的建议 策划行程.  




位于圣地亚哥市中心的 Gaslamp季度 is mostly known for its bars 和 restaurants, but it offers plenty of shopping too. 看看各种各样的商店,从 Goorin兄弟. 大胆的生产商 to 这是糖果店 到一个分支 极速骑板. 用一个晚上的时间来探索这些 在煤气灯区用餐和夜生活的选择.




Soak up the harbor scenery while shopping for little treasures at 海港村位于市中心和Embarcadero之间,占地14英亩. 的 50岁以上的商店 包括时尚的 影响力的精品,本土艺术和珠宝 印第安小径画廊,还有当地的葡萄酒 圣帕斯夸尔酒庄品酒室. 留下来吃晚饭,选择从海湾餐厅,如 马里布的农场水滨烧烤 还有一长串休闲餐厅,包括 圣地亚哥汉堡公司迈克·赫斯酿酒厂.



位于市中心东北部, 巴波亚公园 是圣地亚哥的文化神经中枢. 的 1,200-acre, green space–filled park is 首页 to more than 20 博物馆和文化机构, such as the Fleet Science Center, 的 Museum of Us, the Model Railroad Museum. 博物馆里也有很多很棒的礼品店, which you can often browse even if you’re not exploring the museum. 先从 圣地亚哥艺术博物馆 商店, 圣地亚哥历史中心商店和商店在 动漫展上博物馆. 一定要去参观一下 西班牙乡村艺术中心 参观200多名当地工匠的手工作品.




拥有超过125家门店, 拉斯维加斯美洲特惠奥特莱斯 is the largest outlet mall in the area, located halfway between downtown 圣地亚哥 和 提华纳. 四周是庭院、喷泉和雕像. Take your pick of br和 names 和 enjoy savings of up to 65 percent at stores including 阿迪达斯, 永远的21岁, 阿玛尼, J. Crew和耐克. 选择从餐饮选项,如 胭脂树的种子, a traditional Mexican restaurant whose menu includes a great pre-shopping breakfast.


想了解更多购物之旅的想法,请看这个 疯狂购物之旅 that covers more retail-therapy hubs across Southern California. 或者把你的精力集中在 加州最好的购物中心,或者像great这样的壁龛 冲浪商店 甚至 记录存储. 货比三家也是值得的 加州文化区, since these areas offer an entry point into an area’s vibrant culture, 包括本地艺术家, 小型企业.



